The purpose of this qualification is to prepare a learner to:
Plan, prepare for, coordinate, implement and evaluate learning programmes to achieve occupational trainee competence, SAQA ID 97154, NQF 4 with 124 credits.
A qualified learner will be able to:
- Establish the profile, special needs and barriers to learning of learners within the specified requirements of the training programme.
- Prepare, adapt and align learning materials and resources for a training intervention in the workplace.
- Deliver training, evaluate and report on a learning intervention in the workplace.
- Gather evidence and make assessment decisions using given assessment tools.
- There has long been an expressed need for a training qualification suitable for workplace trainers across all industries, enterprises and training organisations at NQF Level 4 competencies.
The Occupational Trainer is a qualified technical or occupational expert who is equipped with the ability to deliver training in their specific field of expertise. This NQF Level 4 qualification is aimed at potential or existing trainers who are responsible for delivering occupational learning programmes to trainees in the workplace. The occupational trainer must have current knowledge of the industry, the workplace and job/role of the person being trained and assessed.
The development of the capacity of Occupational Trainers through this qualification to deliver quality learning was recognised as a national priority by the Department of Labour at the initiation of the Quality Council of Trades and Occupations (QCTO) and the Occupations Qualifications Sub Framework (OQSF). It is also listed on the National Scarce Skills list: Top 100 occupations in demand.
The main aim of this qualification is to: - Build and maintain the quality of provision of workplace training, given the important role it has to play more broadly within occupational training.
- Raise the status of those who facilitate learning in an industry or trade context.
- Begin a process for the on-going professional development of occupational education and training practitioners.
Society and the economy will benefit through the added training opportunities that are now available for occupational subject matter experts at NQF Levels 4.
- There has long been an expressed need for a training qualification suitable for workplace trainers across all industries, enterprises and training organisations at NQF Level 4 competencies.
Programme Purpose:
The purpose of this qualification is to prepare a learner to operate as an Adult Literacy Teacher.An Adult Literacy Teacher plans, organises and implements a well-structured programme or a series of learning events; facilitates a learning programme; designs, produces and/or adapts learning materials and additional learning resources (LTSM); produces, implements and evaluates assessment instruments, and profiles learners. The ALT performs all these activities for adult learners at Level 1. The Adult Literacy Teacher may work as an assistant to the Adult Education Teacher. A qualified learner will be able to:Profile adult learners. Plan, structure, implement and evaluate a learning programme for adult learners.Plan, implement and evaluate assessment for adult learners.
Minimum Admission Requirements : An NQF Level 4 Qualification with Communication.
Duration : 18 months full-time / 24 months part-time
Horizontal Articulation:
- Certificate: Education, Level 5, SAQA ID 61972.
Vertical Articulation:
- Advanced Certificate: Education, Level 6, SAQA ID 20473.
This qualification has been internationally benchmarked by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) against international countries such as Canada, United Kingdom, New Zealand and Botswana.
Registration at GEU complies of the following:
- GEU Application Form
- Certified Copy of ID
- Certified Copy of Highest Qualification
- Proof of Payment
CASH PRICE = R 15,000 TERMS PRICE = R 18,000, Deposit R 6,000 and 12 x R1,000 monthly instalments
Global Education Universe
Bank : First National Bank - Cheque Account
Acc No: 62 862 737 007 Code = 254405 Melrose Arch
Reference: Your Name
Proof of Payment: Email : kay@geuniverse.com
NQF Level 4, with technical or occupational expertise who will act as a trainer of persons in the same field of expertise.